Sunday, August 17, 2008


What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is ....

Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.

Yes, I have been enduring "Diarrhea'ing" ever since I arrived here.

Yes, Its painful and annoying when you have to go to the toilet from 5 to 6 times at least 1 hour .

well, its because that i havent adjusted myself to the food here; its spicy hot (brapi wah, EXPLOSION)

its been 2 months already now as an official "VET" Student now (hohoho) (gambatte!)


I want to share some of the pictures that I have taken recently.

This is my Table (RIGHT)for now on and beside that is my roommate's.

Preparing presentation slides next week on "Society & changes"

(I know la~ my table is a mess >.<)

From a different angle.

Item number :
  1. Milo 3 in 1, only 8 packs
  2. My only plastic cup here
  3. Junk food >.<>
  4. Hand wash 250 mL.
  5. My calculator cover box
  6. My most wanted X ray by UPM's health centre
  7. comic books = 7 of them
  8. Billabong cap ( Ah YO~)
  9. My medicine left over ( recovered from fever X_X)
  10. Medical report

Lookwhats that ? it a bird.

NO! its AP AP APOLLO~! bought 10, eaten 3 of them. (Burp~)


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