Friday, July 25, 2008

Human Impression


This is just one of the most amazing things I have ever viewed!

The animal's joy is evident that he loves them as much as they love him.

Truly shows the love an animal can hold within its heart.

He could have made chopped meat out of them but instead he acted like a big pussy cat. (meow)

I have been studying and trying to read cat's face expression ( joking la hahahaha)

take a look at this picture below:

is'nt he adorable???? innocent.

I feel like I want to give a pinch on his face.(gigitan ku bnr)

Human impression on cats in blue house :

1. kiuttttttt !!!! -->saadiah

2.usulnya ah !! -->Farhan aka spartan

3.oi! kmari ko !!!!!! --> nazmi calling jaz! tdo tia !! --> Fariz

5.come come ! -->fatma

6. *UnKnown* --> haz O_O

blue house members(2008,1 sem break)
mana sadiah? MIA (Missing In Action)
Fariz just where are u looking at? hahaha (>_<)


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